Nobody Told Me

To love my body

✏️Pencil + Ashes (Ash)


Photo by Serhii Tyaglovsky on Unsplash

Nobody told me that my BMI is worth more than my MBA.

I was raised to hide under my skin. In between my toes and under fingernails. I was raised to give myself away, my body away. To lose myself in someone else. In something else.

Nobody told me that I could love my body. No one told me I was enough, that I was supposed to love my hair. Nobody told me that.

Nobody told me that those ten pounds I keep losing and gaining are still a part of me. That when I lose them, I’ll lose much more than weight.

Nobody told me that someone else’s love is not enough to survive in this body.

Nobody told me

Nobody told me

Nobody told me

Thank you for reading.

A huge shout out to M.T. Pariti and Shereen Bingham for their raw and beautiful writing. These two poems play together so well.

